Hiring a Professional Window Cleaner

We all know that anybody can clean a window, but if you are in a workplace environment then hiring a professional window cleaneris imperative. The main reason for this is that there will be many times that you would probably not be able to afford the time for one of your regular staff to clean the windows and because of health and safety guidelines, how would they clean the outside?

cradleAnother major factor of why you should not have your regular staff clean the windows is insurance. A professional window cleaner or professional window cleaning company will have the correct insurance for their industry including the insurance for cleaning at height. If they do not have the correct insurance then they should not be working at all. Window cleaning can be dangerous to the person carrying out the task and to those around so the correct insurance is as imperative as the professional window cleaner.

With the insurance in place, a professional window cleaner or professional window cleaning company would have very strict procedures that will be followed. They will also ensure that the cleaning technician is suitably trained and that they are kept up to date with health and safety procedures.

Furthermore, if your regular staff are cleaning a window and breaks it, would you make them pay for the cost of replacement? Would they pay it? A professional window cleaner or company will again have an insurance which covers accidents as well. A professional window cleaner or company will take photographic evidence of any cracked glass or broken windows and it will be reported to the appropriate person as soon as is reasonably possible.

When you are hiring a professional window cleaner or company you are choosing peace of mind knowing that they will have adequate training and insurance. They should personable and easily approached as well.

At All Clean Services we are extremely proud of our dedication to customers and staff alike. Our customers receive the highest quality service at the right price and our staff are all highly trained and receive on-going training throughout their employment with us. For more information on our professional window cleaning services please go to www.allcleanservices.co.uk or contact us  Telephone: 0800 3898 690 E-mail: enquiries@allcleanservices.co.uk Twitter: @Window_cleaner1

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